CPT002: Small Claims Court System - Debts under £10,000

Where does the training take place?

During COVID lock down we simply send you a link. Click on the link at the agreed time and we connect 1:1.

How much does it cost?

The training course will cost you £140.00 and with it a full training pack and a free 60 day consultation after completion of the course.

Can i just have the training booklet?

Yes. This can be provided for a reduced price of £49.99. Send us your contact details and we simply send the pack to you. 

Objectives and Benefits

This course provides you with the knowledge, tools and confidence of using the small claims Court system and the processes involved to recover debts under £10,000. Once you have completed the course you can follow the process for all future debts that you need to recover. With additional 60 day free support from our experts you can rest assured you will have all the tools to successfully recovery money owed to you.

Course Details:

Taking a step by step approach, you will learn how to instigate a money claim using the online Court system and and gain a full understanding of the end-to-end Court process. The course will include practical examples of the necessary forms and how to complete these to progress your claim to a final hearing before a judge.

This Course Comprises:

  • Review of the relevant protocols 
  • Starting an Online claim
  • Form Completion
  • Understanding a Response Pack
  • Actions when no defence received
  • Actions when a defence is received
  • Court Forms leading up to a final hearing
  • Witness Statements
  • Documents and Evidence to support your case
  • Preparing small claims Court bundle
  • Booking Barrister
  • What to expect at the final hearing